Gowanus Furniture Co.

I'll post occasional pictures of new projects and news on this blog, but there's so much more... (Seriously, my head is beginning to hurt...)

For the very latest, check out new pictures from the shop via Instagram [gowanusfurniture] (which flows to Facebook, as well as Tumblr).

Twitter too, of course, for to let us know what you think and to see more of what we're working on.

Pinterest is also a whole lot of fun - wow - really enjoying seeing what our followers also like. And we can show more of what inspires us. 

Follow/friend/like and let us know what you think.

Just Food's Let Us Eat Local tasting event is coming up and is a great way to support local farmers. This year a portion of the proceeds will go to farmers affected by Irene.

If you can't make it to the event, bid in the auction. Lots of great stuff, including a lovely cutting board for your stove. Check it out!


Irene Sale!

Aug 27 2011 | 0 comments

Wow! Saturday was my 2nd highest day for hits ever - 2nd only to the day w/ Tasting Table. Clearly we're all a bit cooped up...

Well, if you're tired of watching the news and finally want some cutting board satisfaction, shoot me an email.

All products 15% off until the MTA has regular service running again. Sunday eve? Monday eve? Who knows!

New single letter monogrammed boards, end grain boards, lime boards, and more.


Here's a great piece to keep on file from esteemed designer Milton Glaser.

"Less is not more.... Just enough is more."

[caption id="attachment_1419" align="aligncenter" width="162" caption="(c) Milton Glaser Inc."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1421" align="aligncenter" width="122" caption="(C) Milton glaser Inc."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1420" align="aligncenter" width="180" caption="(c) Milton Glaser Inc."][/caption]

His 10 Things I Have Learned is just enough. Keep it on file. Pull it out every now and then and re-read. Repeat. Hat tip to @brainpicker.]]>

Happy July 4th!

Jul 02 2011 | 0 comments

I'm off to the beach. Have a great weekend filled with meats and non-regulation-flag-cakes. Next pictures - at long last - of the completed bike rack...


I was featured (mentioned?) in an article in the May issue of Popular Mechanics. Take a look:

The article is spot on. Play to your strengths. Makes me like even more the great post from 37 Signals that I tweeted on 4/13...

Be sure to take a look at some of David Yepez's work, too.


Gowanus Furniture Co. can now be reached at (718) GO-CANAL.

Please update your address books.]]>

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