My friend Paul up in New Hampshire turns some mighty fine bowls, and we're proud to sell them here in Brooklyn.
Each bowl is made from a single piece of walnut or cherry (as all good wooden bowls are), and made to really showcase the beauty of the wood. They're finished with food-grade mineral oil, and are great for salad, a fruit bowl, or even serving soup (just don't store the soup in the wooden bowl). Over time they'll achieve a rich patina, and the cherry bowls will grow to a dark red (as cherry does). Depending on the size and the character of the wood, sometimes there's some of the natural edge remaining on the bowl, which I think looks pretty cool.
Considering the size of the tree and the piece of wood these came from, I think they're a great deal, and you're supporting artisans in rural New Hampshire.
Add some amazing tongs and save a few bucks.
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