_old morse mono page

_old morse mono page

Morse Code has been starting conversations for nearly 170 years.
Dinner should do the same thing.

Made by hand, in Gowanus, Brooklyn.

Our full size cutting boards are monogrammed via Morse code, the dot-dash-dot code that revolutionized how people communicate back in the 19th century.

Graphically, we hope the boards look interesting, and the fact that they have meaning is a great story to tell.

Invite your friends over and share it with them.

Each of our end grain Eagle boards is a custom, individually numbered piece. There are lots of options and ways you can make it your own, and it'll be the showpiece of any kitchen. It's kitchen furniture, and will last for decades.

Our Kentile boards are monogrammed with a single letter - the thick and thin stripes represent the dots and dashes of Morse code. We arrange the wood for each board individually so that the grain tells a story.

If have any special requests, let us know, we're always glad to customize them a bit.

All boards are made by hand from FSC-certified domestic hardwoods (black walnut and hard maple), and finished with our own blend of mineral oil, beeswax, orange oil, and anise oil. (They smell great too.)

Want to make you own? Come to our Cutting Board Class.